Finca Santa Maria de Lourdes (Nicaragua)
Finca Santa Maria de Lourdes (Nicaragua)
Blackcurrant, Lemon & treacle
Region: Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua
Process: Natural
Variety: Yellow Catuai
Producer: Peralta Estate
Altitude: 1550m
The Peralta Family coffee-growing history dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. We are privileged to have worked with the Peraltas for several years and have always admired the attitude and values that they have brought to their operation. From single plot, single varietal separations to carefully controlled extended fermentations, the Peralta family continue to position themselves at the forefront of specialty coffee innovation.
This is the third lot of coffee we've bought from the Peralta family, each lot has been special and really carefully processed. This lot is no exception and the smell of it off roast is absolutely sublime, get your snozzes into this one!
Our packaging is made in a carbon-neutral manufacturing process and is fully recyclable in the UK. Our bespoke packing process means that our coffees remain as fresh as the day they were roasted for up-to 3 years while unopened.